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I Want a Marriage of Greatness.


#1 Bestselling Authors

Restore the flow of love in your marriage and bring back the Fun!

Evan & Susan's #1 Bestseller is a short, fun read that breaks through all the noise and gets you back on track.

It will give you clarity on the sticking points in your marriage and allow you to release, once and for all, the things that are holding you back from true happiness. 


Marriage Of Greatness Podcast

The best sex of your life awaits! Now that we have your attention, the Marriage of Greatness Podcast is for growth minded couples that want to go from Good to Great in their Marriages.  

Warning! This is not for the 99% that want to settle for good enough. It's for the select few that want greatness in all areas of life.


Marriage Retreats

For Faith Based non-profit & for profit Leaders Only!

Leaders are the most isolated people in the world. Sacrificing their marriages, community with others and self care, all in the name of a cause. It’s un-sustainable, creating broken families, burn out and disillusionment. 

Rekindle the lost spark & Restore the flow of love in your marriage. Never to lose it again.

It's Fun.

It's Practical.

It's interactive and it's PROVEN!


Success in Your Marriage, Business & Family Awaits!

Marriage Makeover to Mastery

First experience the Makeover, then you will be ready for Mastery in this groud breaking, 2 part interactive video course:  Makeover to Mastery!

It's time to rise up and build a Marriage of Greatness with this one of a kind interactive video course.

Happily Ever After Retreat

A Marriage Retreat like no other.  Connect in person with Evan & Susan, while locking arms with like minded faith based, trailblazing couples in a safe, growth minded environment. Join the select few who are choosing a Marriage of Greatness.


Marriage Retreats Around The World

Want to host a Marriage Retreat for leaders in your state or country? We're accepting applications.

Apply Now

"Listening to Evan & Susan has been life changing. I'm more intentional with my time, money, kids and most importantly my wife. Life is short! Mine is better thanks to Evan & Susan."

Bryan E. Miller
Award Winning Film Composer

"Evan and Susan’s love and respect for each other has inspired me through some of the most difficult times in my life. They truly are the real deal and understand what it takes to build a passionate loving marriage that lasts!"

Nicole Jansen
Leaders of Transformation Pod Cast Host

"Evan and Susan live their story with integrity and real-life-ness that can’t be faked. Some people live an Instagram story. These guys don’t even have Instagram… they’re too busy doing and living and loving and serving. Because they live it, I’ve realized even more than ever that MY dreams can be real too. "

Carly Thornock
Life Coach & Child Development Expert

"Thank You for a life changing experience, my marriage & parenting will never be the same again. Your ongoing mentorship & guidance is such a blessing for us. "

Annabelle Nakabiri Ssebakijje
Trailblazing Non-Profit Founder "The Remnant Generation"

Evan and Susan remarry in a different state or country every year.

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